Friday, April 18, 2025
Westwood Lake, Nanaimo BC
Mystery Trail Race and 6km Family Cookie Run/Walk

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Fletcher's Challenge 2022 - Pre Race Communication

Thank you for supporting Fletcher’s Challenge 2022! 
Since 2003, Runners of Compassion-Nanaimo Chapter has donated over $246,000.00 back into the community to help young people overcome financial barriers so that they can participate in sport activities. Thanks to you!
This year we anticipate a good turnout for both the Trail Race and the Family Cookie Walk/Run. Four buses will shuttle trail runners to the top-secret start location. With changes to BC’s public health orders, you are no longer required to show your BC Vaccine Card proof of vaccination to board the bus. Masks are encouraged on the bus and in high traffic areas, but wearing a mask is strictly personal choice. Please bring your own mask if you choose to wear one.
Be safe everyone!
When & Where: Friday, April 15th 2022 at Westwood Lake
Parking: In years past, we have had over 600 people attend Fletcher’s Challenge. Volunteers will help with parking, but demands will be high. For Nanaimo residents, please car pool if possible and try to find a spot outside of the park if you can. Arrive early!
Family Run/Walk – 6K around Westwood Lake 
  • Day-of Registration: 8:30-9:45AM. If you are pre-registered, arrive by 9:45AM and there is no need to go to registration desk.
  • Start Time is 10:00AM 
Trail Race – a few spots still available with race capping out at 250 participants - the trail race is 16K 
  • Bib Pickup: 8:30-9:20AM
  • Buses Leave: 9:25AM sharp. They will be located by the entrance to the park.
  • Start Time is 10:00AM
Course Length: This year’s course is approximately 16km in length (Depending on your GPS accuracy)
Course Profile: In the tradition of Fletcher’s Challenge the course has remained as much of a mystery as we can make it.  This year’s edition is more of a traditional cross country trail run as it contains lots of the traditional old school slow and twisty single track we all love.  No major climbs this year, but yet there are a few slow and steady climbs. The majority of the elevation gain is in the 5k - 8.5k section of the race as well as in the 12 – 15km section.   Be sure to use the first 2km to get yourself in a race pace position you are comfortable with as once you hit the first section of single track you won’t have many opportunities to pass for quite some time. Lots of trails that are new to the Fletcher’s Challenge plus a few trails that we haven’t used since back in the days of the original Nanaimo GutBuster. We think you will love the course.
·      This course will be a challenge for all runners so please make sure that you are prepared. 
·      Water is mandatory or you cannot start the race. The Water Refill Station is at the 12km mark. 
·      NO EAR BUDS OR HEADPHONES OF ANY TYPE, FORMAT OR DESIGN. THEY ARE         ABSOLUTELY AGAINST THE RULES FOR THE SAFETY OF YOU, OUR VOLUNTEERS AND YOUR FELLOW RACERS.  You will be disqualified and pulled from the course if you are caught using them. 
Trail Race Rules: Our trails are a precious resource. Please do your best to minimize impact on the trail. 
Rules will be strictly enforced by our volunteers and we will be forced to DQ any runner that does not follow them:
  • Run the MARKED COURSE as laid out, flagged, floured and signed by our crews.  Stay on the ESTABLISHED trails.
  • Absolutely no course cutting or short cutting
  • No switchback cutting
  • No corner cutting
  • No braiding of the marked route

Trail Running Safety: If you come across someone who is injured or in distress, the first person on the scene stays with the injured person. The second person goes forward or backward on the course to contact a course marshal and look for help. The next 2-3 people should check and make sure everything is OK and if any more help is needed before proceeding. We all must take care of each other.
Water: It is MANDATORY that all runners carry water on this challenging course. We do have a water station this year BUT there will be long stretches where there is no access to water. Some fuel (gel's etc) are also strongly recommended. This is a self-supported race. 
Recommended water:
  • Front of the packers:  500-1000ml
  • Mid packers:  1000-1500ml
  • Back of the packers: 1500-2000ml
Bathrooms: Please use the bathrooms at Westwood Lake before boarding the bus, or use the bathroom on the bus. There will be NO porta potties at the start of the trail race.
Warm-up Clothing: There will be hampers available at the start line to leave extra clothing in. Look for them by the Frontrunners Van. Clothing items can be picked up at the finish line at Westwood Lake at the Frontrunners or Salomon tents.  Please no valuables, as we cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items.
If you have a great time, please tell your friends for next year! If you find something that can be improved upon, please tell us.  Above all else, HAVE FUN and good luck!
We hope you find this information helpful but if you have any questions please email Greg Scott at 
Runners of Compassion 

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