Friday, April 18, 2025
Westwood Lake, Nanaimo BC
Mystery Trail Race and 6km Family Cookie Run/Walk

Event Inspiration - Gavin Fletcher

Husband, Father, Friend and Competitor

Gavin Fletcher was a member of ROC; he was an amazing friend to a lot of people; he was a fierce competitor and a gifted athlete, but first and foremost he was a true family man. No mtter what Gavin was doing, his thoughts and comments would eventually turn to be about his family. Whether it was forgoing that coffee at Starbucks after a run or skipping a beer in the pub, Gavin’s priority was to always get home to Natalie, Sophia and Claudia. He was a man who truly cared for his family and his friends.

Gavin was the type of guy that when ROC was having a social run up on the trails at Strathcona Park one hot summer day, he rode his bike up to the Nordic Lodge while the rest of us choose to drive to the top of Mount Washington to start the run. After meeting the group at the assigned time, he quickly downed a half a bottle of water and then set out with us for what ended up being a very strenuous 2 ½ hour trail run. After the run, he hopped back on his bike and rode away……he was that kind of guy.He would always amaze you with his ability. 

Whether it was riding his bike up to the top of a mountain to run or deciding on a whim that he should train for a triathlon or compete in an Adventure Race - he always did things with a smile on his face, a great attitude and with great results. Gavin was very humble in his abilities. No matter how well he placed in a raced he was never quick to tell you how he did, you would have to drag it out of him. He would always tell you that he wasn’t in shape, that he had to lose 30 pounds and that he needed to start training.

We miss Gavin; we miss his laughter, his smiling face and his great stories. This race is in memory of Gavin.

Gavin John Fletcher - January 3, 1967 - December 11, 2006